➡ Click here: Is there a part 2 to avengers infinity war
Thanos departs with his lieutenants and obliterates the ship. There's certainly cross-pollination between characters and some story-arcs, but you know, the first movie is very clearly Avengers: Infinity War and, in time, we will reveal what the second film is.
Retrieved January 22, 2017 — via. Retrieved May 14, 2018. When we met with Joe and Anthony Russo on thethey were shooting both films at the same time, and not fully considering where they would split. Thanos kidnaps Gamora, his adoptive daughter, who reveals the location of the Soul Stone to save her captive adoptive sister from torture. When does Avengers 4 come out. Speaking of great cliffhangers, the ending of Star Wars: The Force Awakens also comes to mind, although the two Disney movies could not be more different.
He noted that characters who had not yet been cast were also in the scripts. He orders his children, also known as the , to invade Earth in order to find both the and the. Deal with it,' tone at the end of it, rather than jerk you around.
Why Avengers 4 Isn't Going To Be Called Infinity War Part 2 Anymore - Retrieved February 14, 2017. A portion of the fight sequence was shot in Atlanta, before moving to a fully CGI.
There obviously are big spoilers involved in this post. But we do know two things for sure. This article is going to primarily concern itself with the second point, because after a couple viewings, we think we figured out what he saw. And we have three guesses about what that power might be. Of the six Infinity Stones Thanos collects over the course of the movie, he gets a hold of two of them without interference from any protagonist characters: the Power Stone, which he gets from Xandar immediately before the beginning of the movie; and the Reality Stone, which he destroys Knowhere to get offscreen. And Thanos only gets within spitting distance of the Mind Stone because our heroes choose to fight for it instead of killing Vision outright to destroy it. Yes, Scarlet Witch ends up murdering Vision anyway to keep it away from Thanos, but by the time she decided to do that, Vision was gonna die either way. And, in fact, he did die both ways. We believe that contrast is significant for literal plot reasons and not just thematic ones, because of Doctor Strange. He is categorically opposed to the concept, telling Tony straight up that he will prioritize the safety of the Time Stone over the safety of other people. He looks at 14,000,605 possible futures, and sees only one in which the good guys win. Also Read: The moment when Doctor Strange hands over the Time Stone does not quite go the way the other similar moments go. Thanos is not doing that with Tony on Titan, though. They have to value all life, and fight to defend all life, even if it means risking the fate of the universe. And they did that. It would be very easy to look at everything we just described as merely a thematic thing, but that would put the actual story in essentially non-literal territory, with the themes overriding the storytelling instead of the two working in tandem. The movie does not indicate Doctor Strange underwent a change of heart, so that fact means something. So the question then is how that idea goes from theme to actual plot. Also Read: Fortunately, the Marvel Universe is so grandiose that it provides some pretty distinct possibilities. He also said that the sacrifice Thanos had to make to obtain the Soul Stone was required by the Stone itself. Now in the comics, the Stones are actually sentient on some level, but aside from vague hints here and there in past movies that go in that direction the MCU has never overtly embraced that idea until now. And this development is a doozy, because all of that seems to indicate that the Infinity Stones have their own plan for this conflict. Maybe a test of worthiness to find people to wield their power? Whatever it is, the prominence of the Stones throughout the MCU would seem to indicate this test has been going on for a long time, and certainly did not begin with the war with Thanos. The Grandmaster, meanwhile, likes to play games. But it would follow that if the Grandmaster and the Collector somehow orchestrated the war with Thanos, its victory conditions would be different than those of a normal battle. One of the Watchers went rogue Speaking of cosmic, powerful aliens who like to meddle with humans, another possibility could be the Watchers. In the Marvel Comics, the Watchers are aliens who, long ago, decided not to interfere with lower life forms and instead spend all their time observing them. Not all the Watchers are completely hands-off, despite that basically being their law. The Watcher stationed to keep an eye on Earth, Uatu, has gotten into trouble in the comics for getting interested in the fates of the folks on the planet and occasionally interfering on their behalf. Meanwhile, Thanos is a walking murder machine for whom everyone is expendable. That could definitely be enough to get Uatu involved, and that could be a big deal, since the Watchers have ridiculous powers, like the ability to manipulate time and space and to project energy.